Elementary Reading

Elementary Reading

    • Phonemic Awareness allows students develop their listening skills through visual representations which teach them to associate different words and pictures together. Tools used to help sounding out words are Isolation, Identity, Rhyming, Blending, Segmentation, Deletion, Addition, and Substitution.

    • Phonetics encompasses the relationship of written letters to their sounds. This includes consonant sounds, short & long vowels, consonant blends, consonant digraphs, vowel digraphs, diphthongs, and word families. Activities that bolster a young student’s phonetic skills are sound to letter identification, sounding out words by syllables, and applying those techniques to sentence construction and pronunciation.

    • Vocabulary encompasses Word meanings, antonym and synonyms of words, sentence placement in regards to meaning are all crucial parts in developing one’s language abilities.

    • Reading Comprehension goes hand in hand with evolving one’s vocabulary. Reading enhances and expands a student’s vocabulary while presenting them with critical thinking skills needed in everyday life. Ways to strengthen one’s reading comprehension skills are answering questions about the reading passage such as recognizing details and facts, identifying the main idea/point, and deducing and drawing conclusions from said passage.

    Elementary Reading